The Basics of Coaching AYSOAYSO is able to provide world-class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives solely because of its passionate and supportive volunteers. Whether you know the game of soccer or not, you are qualified to be a coach. And we guarantee that your child will remember forever that you stepped up to coach, and a whole team of kids will be thankful that you invested your time in them. Here are some of the Basics of Coaching with AYSO:

Six PhilosophiesOur volunteer coaches are responsible for honoring
AYSO's Six Philosophies. These are the things that make AYSO soccer the best experience for kids.
Certification & TrainingWe provide all the supplies, pay for your training (2-3 hrs) and all it requires is a bit of extra time during the week to plan a practice, build a game day lineup and communicate with parents - very manageable!
Region 571 Coach Toolkit Your AYSO Region 571 Coach Toolkit contains most of the information you’ll need to be a successful coach, but the volume of information, especially for new coaches, can be overwhelming. The toolkit starts with a simple checklist of all the key steps in a successful season. Each of these steps is supported in the Toolkit with helpful hints, links to online resources, and even sample emails you can use to communicate with parents! Click here to see our dedicated Coach Toolkit page.
Silent SaturdaysThis initiative is used in AYSO Regions throughout the country. It attempts to cut down on the "noise" that kids might hear on the sideline and directs our focus as parents and coaches to let the kids have fun and play. Read more about
Silent Saturdays on the AYSO National Volunteer Resources site.